敢不敢Monday, Aug. 02, 2010If I put fish in a barrel of water and 租房子poured oil and Dove detergent over that, and mixed it up, would 信用卡代償you eat that fish? · RUSTY 買房子GRAYBILL, · commercial angler, 建築設計disagreeing with the government's claims that fish harvested G2000in the shallow, muddy waters just offshore near the BP oil spill 辦公室出租be safe to eat because they don't smell too bad 對美政府宣稱BP澎湖民宿漏油案已經做好妥善的處理政府認為由只是淺水區, 與漁獲無關, 葛雷畢爾太平洋房屋說: “如果我把魚放在水桶裡裡面加水, 加油, 在加家白鴿清潔劑, 繳一角西裝, 你敢吃這魚嗎?Read more: 住商房屋http://www.time.com/time/quotes/0,26174,2008262,00.html#ixzz0vVwpEqtr

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